Pride in London fuck up again

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CW: TERF crap There will be a fluffier post about London's Pride event, especially if I can find any images of the bi float, but once again they have managed to fuck up badly. In 2015, after having been dragged kicking and screaming into rightly refusing the racist UKIP a place in the parade, the organisers let them be part… Read more »

Never mind the comments, look at the article

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There's a gushing article by Helen Lewis on writer Russell T Davies in this week's New Statesman. RTD, as he's apparently known throughout the magical world of the media, has done lots of things. CW: misogyny. There's Queer as Folk. It's been ages since I saw that, so we'll leave that for a bit. In 2001, he bounced from Queer… Read more »

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story

I was asked somewhere about what TV I'd been watching recently, and it was some time after replying that I realised I hadn't included this, even though its UK run still had an episode or two to go. Partly, that was because I had almost forgotten that I was! Unlike the first series, The People v O.J. Simpson, it's not… Read more »

Another form of bi erasure?

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As the regular reader knows, there.. are.. quite.. a.. few.. posts.. on.. crap.. articles.. in.. the Guardian here. (That's not even all of them.) There may be slightly fewer for a while. Not, I hasten to say, because they've improved, but because when I go to their site, I see what I'm looking for and then this replaces it: Oh… Read more »

Nightclubbing, we're (not all) nightclubbing

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An article on "middle aged" DJs in the Guardian contains a little sliver of erasure that goes uncommented on elsewhere. One of the said DJs is Luke Cowdrey, AKA Luke Unabomber. He's .. the promoter of long-running queer night Homoelectric – "a genuine alternative to the commercial stranglehold", as he sees it. "People take the piss but I still believe… Read more »

Gold medal gay?

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When the Guardian says, in its subheading of a story called The LGBT athletes making history at the 2018 Winter Olympics that "Eric Radford has made history as the [Winter Olympic] Games' first openly gay gold medalist", what is the reader to think? Especially when the lead paragraph is.. Pyeongchang's Olympics have seen athletes more open and public about their… Read more »

And Ian spoke unto the publishers of The Bible and said..

I see from Gay's The Word that The Bible, 'an anthology of personal essays and narratives about bisexuality', is now out. The Bible – an anthology of personal narratives and essays on bisexuality now in stock @gaystheword — Gay's The Word (@gaystheword) February 3, 2018 The Bible – an anthology of personal narratives and essays on bisexuality now in… Read more »

Another day, another problematic Guardian article

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Today's article in the Life in Sex series is 'Graduating from women to men wasn’t a big deal' and is written by an anonymous bisexual man. Unfortunately, they picked a bisexual man who doesn't understand the definition of bisexuality: I feel as if I may as well leave aside the part of me that’s interested in women; I’m only confusing… Read more »

Bisexual people are still too rarely mentioned.. so I'm not going to?

According to Dazed, Shon Faye is a writer, presenter and comedian who describes herself as "a modern career transsexual" who mostly writes "for attention". Today, she's got a piece in the Guardian and my attention was drawn to the link to it on their front page: "The Big Brother house – an unlikely source for an LGBT history lesson: Divisions… Read more »

Tipping the Velvet quickie

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Sarah Waters writes about creating her book Tipping the Velvet in the Guardian. Given that both the main characters in the book are sexual with more than one gender, what do you think the language of the article is? Yep. [] Gay: 5 uses, including in the title [] Lesbian: 9 uses, including one 'Lesbian Avengers' [] Lesbian and gay:… Read more »