I was asked somewhere about what TV I'd been watching recently, and it was some time after replying that I realised I hadn't included this, even though its UK run still had an episode or two to go. Partly, that was because I had almost forgotten that I was! Unlike the first series, The People v O.J. Simpson, it's not… Read more »
As the regular reader knows, there.. are.. quite.. a.. few.. posts.. on.. crap.. articles.. in.. the Guardian here. (That's not even all of them.) There may be slightly fewer for a while. Not, I hasten to say, because they've improved, but because when I go to their site, I see what I'm looking for and then this replaces it: Oh… Read more »
When the Guardian says, in its subheading of a story called The LGBT athletes making history at the 2018 Winter Olympics that "Eric Radford has made history as the [Winter Olympic] Games' first openly gay gold medalist", what is the reader to think? Especially when the lead paragraph is.. Pyeongchang's Olympics have seen athletes more open and public about their… Read more »
I see from Gay's The Word that The Bible, 'an anthology of personal essays and narratives about bisexuality', is now out. The Bible – an anthology of personal narratives and essays on bisexuality now in stock @gaystheword pic.twitter.com/KIsG7GCw5G — Gay's The Word (@gaystheword) February 3, 2018 The Bible – an anthology of personal narratives and essays on bisexuality now in… Read more »
According to Dazed, Shon Faye is a writer, presenter and comedian who describes herself as "a modern career transsexual" who mostly writes "for attention". Today, she's got a piece in the Guardian and my attention was drawn to the link to it on their front page: "The Big Brother house – an unlikely source for an LGBT history lesson: Divisions… Read more »
Sarah Waters writes about creating her book Tipping the Velvet in the Guardian. Given that both the main characters in the book are sexual with more than one gender, what do you think the language of the article is? Yep. [] Gay: 5 uses, including in the title [] Lesbian: 9 uses, including one 'Lesbian Avengers' [] Lesbian and gay:… Read more »
A non-story in the Sunday Times, 'Yorkshire Mesmac charity allows sex with clients',* opens with: A charity for child abuse victims, sex workers and gay men given more than £2m by the government, councils and police has told its staff they are allowed to have "sexual relationships" with the often vulnerable people they meet through their work. It then says… Read more »
Browsing in a charity shop, I recently spotted a copy of Doing It: Let's Talk About Sex… by Hannah Witton and published this year.* I hadn't heard of her or it before, but I am not a big user of YouTube where she is, according to the back cover, "a sex-positive vlogger". There is lots to like about the book…. Read more »
A couple of days ago, someone told me that Bi-ble, the anthology currently trying to attract funds on Indiegogo, claimed to be the 'first' such book. As we couldn't spot the claim on the page or on the Monstrous Regiment site, were they mistaken? Alas not, thanks to Jennifer we know it's in the video: Erm. No. No (1988), no… Read more »
A new Edinburgh-based publisher, Monstrous Regiment Find out more about the Regiment team on our blog! We're really cute I promise.https://t.co/xFoJenlcj5 — Monstrous Regiment (@MonstrousRgmt) July 6, 2017 Find out more about the Regiment team on our blog! We're really cute I promise. is doing a bisexual anthology. As it's been almost a year since the most recent one from… Read more »